5 Ways To Get Your Omnichannel Strategy Right

Organisations are constantly investing to elevate the Digital Experiences for their employees to ensure frictionless support and higher productivity. Omnichannel Strategy is a big part of the overall journey. Find out the secret sauce behind a successful service transformation strategy.

Catapulting your move to a digital GBS model: The key to digital service delivery

In this panel, Prashant Arora will discuss the practical reality of building a strategy for digitized support experiences and zoom in on the technology that underpins change and transformation and its people, culture and skills considerations.

Repair, Resolution, Recovery and Restoration – A recipe of confusion in Incident Management?

Related terms can be tricky especially when people use them interchangeably. Four such terms commonly used in Incident Management context have a very different significance yet we get confused often. Here is all of them explained in detail.

How critical the “Critical Success Factors” are in CSI?

While the utmost focus given in measuring the right KPIs to make and sustain the improvements, most of the times measurements and metrics are not in the best interest of business or customers.
The simple fix to this mismatched expectation is understanding the Critical Success Factors and linking KPIs to CSFs.

The success mantra of gamification is Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze

A good Gamification Strategy is actually a right blend of Game Mechanics, Reputation Mechanics and Social Mechanics. Driving Behaviors through Gamification is similar to handling Organizational Change.
What are the proven ways to handle Organizational Change? What are the key ingredients for this success recipe?

A Sneak Peak in Future – Internet of Things – IoT

Internet of Things is one of the most searched key words on Google today and we are already experiencing IoT in bits and pieces around us.
Check out how IoT is changing the world and how a typical day will look like right after a few years from now!

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